Monday, August 11, 2014

Mom Tales: Morning Rush, A Kiss and Hug

When you're a mom, no day is ever ordinary. Every morning is a day to celebrate. The boys never fail to make me feel like a queen and a genius and that wonderful feeling at the start of day gives me the energy to help make a difference in the world.

Of course the photo above took several minutes of sweet pleading.

BOYS will always be boys- hating girly stuff and corny poses yet in the end they always give in because deep down inside they love making me smile.

What more can I ask for?

Thank you Lord for the gift of life. May  there be finally "Peace" where war abound so that every mom and child in all the world have time for bear hugs and lullabies. 

2 yorum:

  1. i love bear hugs and lullabies!!! kisses and hugs to your huggable and kissable bfs. ;)


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