Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Chasing Blue, On-line Friendships and My Present Journey

 Today I spent sometime in our yard wanting to capture winged friends. I've been seeing a light blue colored butterfly kissing the periwinkles for several days now but never had the time to linger and take a photo. So I waited. In fact I thought I completely loss my chance to greet my rainy season critter friends these year because of self-imposed busyness.

And then he came!

As if on cue when I was about to give up because an ant bit me I had a glimpse of such majestically designed wings!

It went from petal to petal momentarily seeping nectar allowing me to aim my phone and preserve seconds of his life.

Above was the closest and sharpest image I got before he completely vanished. I was left wondering not of when he will visit again but when I'll have the time to play with him oncemore. Sigh, how I miss chasing the Sunset too! And yep my photo-walk buddies and those nature themed memes I learned of through The Joys of Simple Life, Sweet Memoirs and Ruthi's Breathing Space and yep Beyond Wandering, At Joey k's place and My Yatra Diary as well as Born a Dragon, FBF and TSS family . . . to mention a few of blogger inspirations.

Sigh again, for now I park my Pen and read on our country's laws thinking of the future when I'll be done with specializing through schooling and have all the time in the world to WRITE non-stop.

Cheers to blogging and TRUE Friendships!

When I can't visit your webpages, my mind wanders to pray for you. ☺

~Photos taken and post written using Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100☺

2 yorum:

  1. thank you! What i wonderful set of pictures and i wish the best for you on your new journey!

  2. stopping by here to say hi Zen, beautiful shots, as always. couldn't get myself to write these days :( very hectic sched, i can't give up weekend wandering for blogs, and when i get home on weekends, still work for me, prepping for school :(


Thank you so much for visiting. God bless you and your family always.