Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Healthy Living: Reasons Why I Love Living At The Neck of The Woods

Our Home Sweet Home is at the neck of the woods. Sometimes I would wonder why we chose to build a house there when we could have opted to stay adjacent to the main road and not have difficulty getting home on foot especially during the rainy season. A bridge still needs to be constructed for vehicles to reach our place.

Honestly though, I would never trade living in the barrios for the following reasons...

1. I get to see the sunrise every waking morning! 

The feel of the rays on my brown skin at dawn reminds me of the many blessings someone Above always showers us without even asking. The sound of roosters crowing, birds chirping and kids laughing at the start of the day is an energizer beyond compare!

2. The abundance of fruits and fresh vegetables.

A sumptuous breakfast in the barrios with warm rice, tomatoes and fruits from the trees around the yard is heavenly! 

Lunch and dinner of fresh veggies and fish nourishes not only our bodies but souls as well.

3. The gift of nature everywhere!

I especially love the days after the start of the rainy season when tiny winged friends and flowers flourish!

The kid in me is hyped to watch colorful wings spread and rest! The sound of silence attracts these pretty critters and so does peace in our hearts.

4. The Chance to Give Shelter and Care for God's Creation

We have pet dogs, and cats and chicken and doves, goats and pigs. We are one big happy family!

At the end of each day I get to talk to myself and my Creator without the noise and haste of city life. I see LIFE in a totally peaceful atmosphere and my heart beats regularly with LOVE and CARE for everything that blooms and creeps, and blinks and stares....


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Thank you so much for visiting. God bless you and your family always.