If you sometimes struggle to think of new, simple meals to cook for your family in the evening time, then you definitely want to pay close attention to the ten suggestions made in this post. Unfortunately, I simply don’t have the time or desire to list all the methods used for cooking, but you’ll have no trouble finding all this information online by searching for your dish of choice. This post has just been created to give you some great ideas, and to encourage you to shake things up a bit from time to time.
So, without any further delays, here are 10 recipe ideas to cook for your family over the next few weeks.
1 - Lasagne
This always goes down well, and all you need is some olive oil, 750 g of mince beef, homemade tomato sauce, 200 ml beef stock, nutmeg, 300 g packed lasagne sheets, homemade white sauce and 125 g of mozzarella.
2 - Lamb Tagine
If you like to eat something a little more exotic, you’ll love this. All you need is olive oil, a diced onion, two large carrots, 500g leg of lamb, 2 large garlic cloves, ½ tablespoon of cumin, ½ tablespoon of ginger, 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon, 100g dried apricots, 1 vegetable stock cube, 1 reasonably sized butternut squash and some steamed rice. Don’t forget to get some suitable beverages for the adults too, you can go to Jim's Cellars for online wine sales.
3 - Fish Pie
This is really simple and guaranteed to keep the whole family happy. All you need is 1 kg of quality potatoes, a knob of butter, 100 ml of milk, 25 g of flour, some grated cheddar, petit pois, frozen sweetcorn, some chives, 1 tablespoon of English mustard, 1 pack of fish pie mix and 4 spring onions.
4 - Bacon and Cauliflower Pasta
If you haven’t got much time on your hands, and you need to prepare something very quickly, you should definitely consider this. All you’ll need is 200 g of streaky bacon, 1 wholemeal roll to make breadcrumbs, 140 g of cheese, 1 tablespoon of dijon mustard, 330 ml of milk, 20 g of plain flour, 25 g of butter, 300 g of pasta and 1 cauliflower.
5 - Ratatouille and Sausages
Yes, that’s right folks, ratatouille is much more than just a bad animated film, and you should definitely try it out with your family. All you need to get started is 1 onion, 3 courgettes, 400g tomatoes, 8 large sausages, some olive oil and 1 red pepper.
6 - Turkey Burgers with Sweet Potato Chips
We all know how unhealthy burgers can be, but if you chose to use turkey and swap the standard chips for sweet potatoes, they’re actually not too bad. You’ll want to pick up some tomato ketchup, 500g of turkey mince, 2 spring onions, 85 g of grated cheddar, 1 kg of sweet potatoes, some olive oil and 4 wholemeal rolls.
7 - Chicken and Sweet Potato Curry
Finally, we move onto something a little more spicy. You’ll want to add all these things to your shopping list: basmati rice, 100 g baby spinach, 400 g of tomatoes, 500 g of sweet potatoes, 2 garlic cloves, 165 g of korma paste, 500 g of boneless chicken thighs, 1 chopped onion.
8 - Bean and Sausage Hotpot
This one speaks for itself, I think. You need: 8 large sausages, some tomato sauce, 3 normal sized cans of baked beans, 1 tablespoon of black treacle and some English mustard.
9 - Tomato Soup with Garlic Cheese Dippers
The kids could probably handle this dish themselves if you took the time to teach them how. All they could need is 400 g of tinned tomatoes, homemade white sauce, 100 ml of vegetable stock, 2 tablespoon of mascarpone, 1 ciabatta roll, 1 garlic clove and 130 g of mozzarella cheese.
10 - Italian Tuna Balls
Lastly, this is another quick and easy one you should try out if you have time. You’ll want a 500 g jar of pasta sauce, 400 g of spaghetti, 1 egg, 50 g of breadcrumbs, zest of 1 lemon, a handful of pine nuts and two large cans of tuna.
Well, I hope that’s given you some great ideas for planning your meals over the next few weeks. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, if you need guides explaining the cooking methods for any of the dishes I’ve mentioned today, you’ll find them online by simply copying the title of the meal from this page and pasting it into a major search engine.
Good luck with all that cooking!
awesome ideas! will try some one of these days. :)