Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Home Sweet Home: A Visitor in the Garden

Yesterday, I had a grand time taking photos of a visitor in our garden. I was done hanging the laundry outside for drying when my attention got caught by this friendly winged creature.

I quickly grabbed my phone not minding whether my hands were wet and slowly approached the fellow wishing it won't be too shy and fly away....

..it teased me non-stop

...even admiring its own shadow...

until it finally rested on a flower bed....

and made me love gardening all the more...

and the family and friends who inspire me everyday..

to love every creature like there is no tomorrow...

(photos taken using Samsung Galaxy Note II)

20 yorum:

  1. nice captures, the butterfly is not a camera shy, isn't it? ahaha

    simple things around us can make us happy and remind us that life has so much to give :)

  2. Wow! I love watching butterflies. They are a piece of beauty.

  3. Gosh it so pretty living in the heart of malaysia with all tall buildings and concrete street i guess its been a long time since ive seen one like this butterflies! so refreshing to see!

  4. Great shot of a lovely butterfly. gonna check what species is this.

  5. Your effort was worth it. The pictures are beautiful.

  6. simple joy so priceless yet so pure and sooooooooo heartwarming and magical, may you continue to be richly blessed Zen with all these priceless joy. beautiful photos by the way and mosaic from note 2 :)

  7. 'To love every creature like there is no tomorrow' such an inspirational thought kulasa, your new friend reminded us of a beautiful thing. Thank you. :) Love all your pictures, the winged visitor is an absolute beauty!

  8. i thought of sunshine girl Chay as soon as my eyes landed on the beautiful yellow butterfly. great captures!

  9. You did a great job of picturing the butterfly, you took great pictures indeed the position of its wings and you can actually see its design, it must think that it is a star that's why it teases you.

  10. What a beautiful golden color! You're lucky it stayed put. Your snaps are awesome!

  11. That's a unique kind of a butterfly, Zen. At first glance I thought it was a moth.. :D you captured it amazingly and what a lovely flower garden you got there. Love everything about it.

  12. Oh wow, she's gorgeous. I love the one where she catches a shadow. They say that butterflies are spirits of love ones who departed from life so whenever I see one, I always wonder who they are.

  13. Lovely snaps sis and amazing how clear and vivid the images were using a smart phone. I love the color of that butterfly. It's so sunny and yet not too bright. Your flowers will be happy to have a visitor. :)

  14. I love the shots. So neat! :) And I can't believe those were taken by a smartphone.

  15. wow thats a very beautiful visitor in the garden, it looks like its flaunting its colors. Last weel we also have a visitior in the house. the same kind but different.

  16. I am like that when I see a butterfly too! I get excited ang go scramming to get the cam and hope that it won't fly away! Hehehehe!

  17. Man, this is so cool being close to nature an seeing critters right up front.

  18. yes, i agree, beauty lies all around us - we just to be very appreciative of things.

    great capture.

  19. Beautiful, mustard flutterby! :) I miss following them creatures around and taking macro shots...my kids are into these too, we would look for insects to take photos of and follow them...hihi. pulling spring now so we can go! :)


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