Do you ever feel like your entire life is dedicated to keeping the house in good shape? Maybe it’s the tedious daily tasks of loading and unloading the dishwasher, or the less frequent but bigger tasks like decorating or renovating a room? Your home should be where you can kick back and relax - it should be your calm oasis in a hectic world, and it certainly shouldn’t take a majority of your time to keep it in ship-shape condition. The key here is working smart, not hard. Developing a routine which works for you, but also allowing technology, and other members of the family, to take some of the slack. If you’d like a stress-free home, keep on reading.
Develop your routine
A daily and weekly routine of tasks which are unavoidable is a great way to ensure everything gets done, without praying on your mind. Maybe the trash goes out on Mondays, you vacuum on Tuesdays, and dust on Wednesdays, and so on. Small tasks which are done every day should be done at the same time each day, such as loading or unloading the dishwasher, collecting the mail, or tidying the living spaces. This way, it becomes part of your day, requires little consideration, and you may also find that the tasks are far faster to carry out. Any sort of routine is healthy for everyone, but especially for people who are feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities.
Keep lists
Some jobs don’t fit into daily routines, and these jobs can really start to play on your mind, if you let them. Writing them down into a list form, usually with a connected calendar, can be a great way to ensure they get done, but also to take away the associated anxiety. The list apps on smartphones such as Google Keep and iPhones are perfect for this, as you can keep the list with you at all times and add to it as you see fit, as well as syncing it with calendars and emails. This means that larger projects, such as cleaning the guttering or fixing the roof, is noted, but doesn’t play on your mind. Keeping a running list of important contacts for the home too. When the furnace breaks or the fence blows down, you’re not going to want to be shuffling through your emails and contacts to find the right guy to come in and fix it. Keeping all these contacts in the same place is essential for reacting in an emergency, and you’ll feel better knowing the list is there too.
De-clutter (and keep it that way)
Clutter does not create a stress-free home. As they say, a cluttered room means a cluttered mind. If you want to be able to kick back and relax in the space, you need to keep all of the mess hidden away. Not only does this create a more relaxing environment, but it also makes it easy to keep tidy in the long run, and makes it far easier to clean and keep dust-free. Great storage solutions can make this so much easier, and look great in the process. Once you’ve decluttered a room, make it part of your daily routine to declutter at the end of every day. If you go to bed with a tidy home, and wake up to a tidy home, you will find your stress levels will drop significantly.
Let technology do the work for you
We are lucky to be alive in a booming technological time. Many of us have dishwashers, washer-dryers, and even ovens which clean themselves automatically. But there are plenty of reviews of smart home products designed to save you time online which you might not have even considered. For example, if you have pets and have to vacuum up pet hair every day, have you considered investing in a Roomba to free up that time, without compromising on the cleanliness and tidiness of your home? It might seem like a significant investment, but time is money, and if it helps to create a stress-free environment for you, it might well be worth it.
Unless you live alone, there are other people that benefit from all of your hard work in maintaining the cleanliness and tidiness of your home. Do you think they could better pull their weight? Being able to delegate tasks to family members can really help to take some of the weight off your shoulders. Asking your kids to wash the dishes, take the trash out, or clean the fish tank gives you more free time, and teaches them valuable life skills as a bonus.
Your home shouldn’t be a stressful environment, so don’t let it.
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