The internet has now become so vital that it is close to being considered a human right. Gone are the days of dial up internet needing a week (or so it felt like) to download a single image. The world moves fast and technology with it, and it's only natural to want to stay involved.
With so many of us relying on the internet for evermore daily tasks, when it goes wrong, it can be catastrophic. You can feel severed from vast swathes of your life and you want to get it fixed as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, too often, it can feel like your provider doesn't quite feel the same screaming sense of urgency.
If the process of a fix is not being handled the way you feel it should, you do have options. The customer is King, and it's time to start showing some royal authority. Follow the steps below and you should begin to see results.
Step One: Be Polite
Yes, your first desire is to lose patience with the customer service agent you first speak to. You're frayed, stressed and an interminable wait on hold has not helped matters. However, try to keep your cool. People are more likely to want to help if you're polite. Shouting at someone doesn't get you anywhere.
Step Two: Be Patient
Too often, providers will try and blame basic faults on the customer. There is some reason for this; badly connected equipment is a big cause of failures. So go through the checks you have to do, even if you know you're connections are fine.
Step Three: Speak To Someone Who Can Help
If you're not getting the results you want, ask to speak to a manager or supervisor who can help. Sometimes they can't do much different, but they do hold the power to bend the rules more than a general agent.
Step Four: Make An Official Complaint
If you're still not seeing the help you need, file an official complaint. Keep this short and succinct; this isn't the time to rant about cable internet prices or the bad hold music. Explain the issue, why it's not been resolved, and also how you expect it to be dealt with. If possible, try and find a name and email address of a specific person that you can address this to. If all else fails, you can do some online hunting to find the details of the CEO's office - sending it there will get results.
Step Five: Ask For Compensation
Unless the problem has been dealt with in one phone call, always push for compensation. This is both for the issue you have had in the first instance, and the time that you have had to spend handling it. If you're not comfortable outright asking for money, then phrase it differently. Say: "I hope there is something that can be done about this month's bill to reflect this inconvenience". There's nothing wrong with knowing what your time is worth, so don't be embarrassed. If nothing is forthcoming, escalate it up the chain of command until it is acknowledged.
Good luck!
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