Weekends are saved for my rugrats. Our usual routine is to go to the city- watch a movie then go to the grocery. I love it that until now they still don't worry about being seen in public with me LOL. I wonder what life would be by the time they learn to go out on dates!
For now I cherish our petty arguments while pushing the cart. The older one will say "Needs only mom!" and the younger one will quip "Ye, needs only mom!" But all of us will soon realize we've loaded the pushed thingy with not so urgent to be purchased favorites LOL. When they were smaller of course they were inside the cart but now they take turns pushing it and would fall in line for me. I love that I now have assistants at the cashier. We usually jokingly bet on how much we'll pay. They have so far learned how to estimate goodies. They also have a knack for guessing which products are better and surprisingly have their own tastes! Today we are set to conquer the mall again. We live at the neck of the woods so everyday they have their dose of nature therapy so on days such as today, it's city exploration. I'll update you on the day's events later!
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