Thursday, January 7, 2016

Friday- OOTD And The Fashion Critic Hubby

A photo posted by thelettersinnovember (@zenskulasa) on

Okay, I've been "selfie-llergic" for sometime. That was when my beloved hair got awfully short. It's growing now weee! No plans of having it "rebonded" yet and was chatting with my BFF about us going to work with wet hair not out of fear it gets injured with frequent blow drying but out of sheer laziness LOL.

I sent the photo above to my fashion critic aka the hubby because before I put on the black topper, I tried on one which he once commented made me look like a penguin LOL. Yep, he can be that blunt when it comes to what I wear. I remember him ordering me to go wash my face when I put on too much foundation gosh hahahaha. Yet true enough when I looked at myself in the mirror he was right! So, I have to admit I am missing his presence every waking morning. In four months he'll be back so I better lose these unsightly fats soon! He says he does love me for all that I am- fats and all but I still want to look and feel my best not only when I am with him. When we look and feel our best we become more productive at work. Which reminds me it's Friday and I am supposed to be working in 3,2,1!


P.S. I have yet to hear what he says about today's Office Outfit LOL.

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