Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Weekend Family Fun

We are a very busy couple, the husband and I. Yet no matter how busy life gets we always make it a point to spend quality time with the kiddos.

As you can see above, this weekend was "basketball" time at the world's of fun area of the mall.
Hmmm scroll down to see who else had fun with colorful balls!

You guessed it I suppose! I think I hit more scores than the hubby did! So he paid for lunch and movie tickets LOL.

Next week we'll do some overdue gardening around the yard. Care to join us?

Happy week one and all from our family to yours!

1 yorum:

  1. so much fun! love your fambam!

    G is showing interest na in arcades but we have to wait until he's a little older.


Thank you so much for visiting. God bless you and your family always.