Monday, January 6, 2014

Living in Canada: A Guide to Canadian Citizenship

Annually, approximately 250,000 people move to Canada from other countries around the world. Canada is a melting pot, with all different cultures coming together, and is a country that welcomes immigrants. Far from being shunned if you move to Canada, you’ll find that you’re treated with interest and that events including Canadian Citizenship Week, Black History Month and Asian Heritage Month are regularly held to allow long-term Canadian residents to learn more about foreign culture.
Many people that move to Canada choose to settle, raise a family, find work and make Canada their long-term home. As a result, many apply to become a recognised Canadian Citizen. Here’s a quick guide to Canadian Citizenship, how you become a citizen and what rights will be bestowed upon you.
Becoming a Citizen – The Financial Cost
Currently, the price of becoming a Canadian citizen is $200.
Becoming a Citizen – The Requirements
To become a fully-fledged Canadian citizen you must:
  • Be at least 18 years old (or the parent/guardian of a child, applying on their behalf and becoming a Canadian citizen at the same time)
  • Be a permanent resident of Canada, and have lived in Canada for at least three full years (out of the past four years)
  • Be able to speak confidently in English or French, with documented proof of your ability
  • Understand the rights of Canadian citizens, and have knowledge of Canada’s history and the country’s values (all information is available in a free study guide that is provided when you apply for citizenship)
Becoming a Citizen – The Process
During the application process you’ll be tested and interviewed, and will have to supply documents to support your claims. The Canadian Citizenship Test includes questions about ‘the rights and responsibilities of citizenship’, with all answers available in a study guide of the same name that will be sent when you apply.
You’ll also be interviewed, so that your ability to speak English or French can be examined. You should be able to hold a conversation in either language, answering questions about everyday topics and following simple instructions.
The application process typically takes between 25 and 35 months, though the formal stance is that it should take between 12 and 18 months. The process culminates in a ceremony, during which you’ll take the Oath of Citizenship.
Becoming a Citizen – Sample Canadian Citizenship Test Questions
The Canadian Citizenship Test requires you to answer specific questions about the country and its residents. Typically, questions have multiple choice answers. The following are examples of the questions that you might be asked:
  • How many Canadians served in World War I?
  • How many provinces are there in Canada?
  • In what year did Canada become a country?
  • What is the major river in Quebec?
  • Who was Canada’s first Prime Minister?
  • What is Canada’s national animal?
  • What is the highest military honour for a Canadian citizen?
  • When is Remembrance Day?
  • Where are the Great Lakes?
  • Who is the current Prime Minister, and which party do they represent?
Becoming a Citizen – Required Documents
To become a citizen you’ll need to supply:
  • A complete Application for Canadian Citizenship form
  • A complete How to Calculate Residence form
  • A photocopy of either your Record of Landing or your Confirmation of Permanent Residence
  • A photocopy of your Permanent Resident Card
  • Photocopies of school records and qualifications
  • Evidence of your ability to speak English or French
  • Photocopies of passports/travel documents
  • Photocopies of two pieces of ID (at least one with a photograph)
  • Two valid photographs
The Rights of Canadian Citizens
As a Canadian citizen you’ll be able to own a Canadian passport, work for the federal government, run for political office and, of course, vote in Canadian elections. Your descendants will automatically receive Canadian citizenship as a result of your status, and if you later choose to leave Canada then you’re always welcome to return and will not lose your rights as a citizen.
Are you a Canadian citizen? Have you taken the Canadian Citizenship Test? Are you currently going through the application process? Why not share your tips?

David Hurley is a Canadian citizen, originally from the UK, and has been living in Canada for seven years.

1 yorum:

  1. pssst, i need to bookmark this. i will leave in Canada in my next life. :D


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