The art of a real, honest, and true friendship is something that can easily be lost in today’s world of busyness, social media, and success. Friendship is a skill that has to be worked on, modified, and practiced in order for it to be successful and healthy. Sadly this is not the way that friendship is viewed in today’s society. According to Facebook and friend is someone who pushed a button on the top of your page and occasionally looks at pictures of you. Here are a few ways to improve your friendships and help you become a better friend.
1. Go out of your way
This is one of the best ways of showing that you care about someone. When you think about your friends individually think of something you could do that would make them incredibly happy. Going out of your way for someone might look like a totally unexpected surprise or filling a specific need when they are not able to do it themselves. This act of friendship shows that you are caring and willing to put others before yourself. Going out of your way for someone will humble you and bring you back into proper perspective of what life is truly about.
2. Have real conversations
Because of social media it is no longer necessary to pick up the phone or meet a friend in person to know what’s going on in their lives. With Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram you can see almost every aspect of everyone’s lives daily. This act of friendship is one of the hardest to actually put into action but can be the most rewarding. Having a actual in person or on the phone conversation with a person creates an intimacy that can never be felt over the Internet. Sitting face to face with a friend giving them your undivided attention is the best way to show your care and devotion towards that person.
3. Be available
Being available for your friends in times of need means that you will have to sacrifice some of your own desires and wants. Being available might look like going over to their house and sitting beside them when they are sad or waking up early on a Saturday to help them move. Whatever your friends need, being available is a great way to put aside yourself and make them feel important. This doesn’t mean that every time a friend’s asks you to do something you put your entire life on hold but it does mean some sacrifice.
4. Share your life
The greatest thing you can do as a friend is share your life with others. Invite people over to your home and cook them dinner. When something good happens in your life call your friends and tell them about it. When you are struggling let your friends help you instead of shutting them out. Let your friends see every area of your life so that your friendship can be real, honest, and true.
If you are ever home with your friend or friends late on a Friday night you need to make sure that you are safe and secure inside of your home. A great way to do this would be to purchase a top of the line home security system. I found a company called Smith Monitoring that offers some of the absolute best features available! Smith home security will install security cameras in your home that can be viewed live at anytime via an app on your smart phone.
About The Author: Katie Melendez is a writer for Smith Monitoring. Katie is also a wife, youth mentor, and a health nut. Follow her blogs for all current trends on home, health, and family.
taking the advises here sis so I can be a better friend. wink*