Thursday, September 26, 2024

Happiness is A Choice

Hi there! I just got back from a major national exam to test my brain 👀😃mmmm or my sanity and physical fitness. 

The results will be out around the first week of December. 

In the meantime, I lounge around and enjoy life as it is. Yay! I finally have the time to blog, to sleep a complete eight hours, to watch Netflix on weekends and to meditate. I might even find the time to make case digests! haha

Happiness is a choice baby! People may wrong us, even the ones we love dearly but at the end of the day it is truly up to us to forgive and forget and what the heck! Life is too short to waste hating and regretting and crying. Wow! I am now officially a matured person hurray!

I doubt anyone is reading my thoughts here so blah blah I go wehehehe...

Anyway, my "message me" page is not working so should you be interested to chat you can always find me at my IG page. 


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