Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Five Things You Need to Know When Moving from Canada

Did you know that it was colder in Winnipeg than it was on the surface planet of Mars? As crazy as this may sound, parts of Winnipeg were colder than the Mars’ high of -29⁰C on January 2nd. Needless to say, many of the New Year’s activities that were planned for the day were cancelled. With the wind chill, it felt more like -51⁰C. That’s a little cold for pretty much anyone. If you’re considering moving from Canada to a warmer climate or you need to move for educational, professional and family reasons, here are five things you need to keep in mind:
Have all of Your Documents in Order: Although it is certainly easier to emigrate from Canada to the US than other countries, you will still need to have some documentation. First and foremost, you will need your visa if you’re not a citizen as well as a valid passport for you and any family members you’re travelling with. In addition, you will need a completed 3299 form. You can find the form to print and fill out here. Other documents required will include a US supplemental declaration, Power of Attorney, and a household goods inventory.
You Need Documentation for your Vehicle as Well: If you plan on bringing in your own vehicle to the country, you will need your Vehicle Registration, a letter of compliance from the manufacturer, vehicle declaration form 3520, DOT HS-7 form, and Homeland Security form 7501. The HS-7 form can be found on the National Highway Transportation Safety website.
What Should You Do about Your Pets? Of course, you’ll want to bring your pet with you, and this shouldn’t be a problem when you cross the border. First and foremost, you’ll need to have proof of rabies vaccination for your pet if he/she is 3 months older or more. This goes for cats and dogs. If you have a bird, he/she will most likely need to be quarantined for a short amount of time.
Remember your Taxes: Just because you leave Canada, you will still be responsible for taxes the year you leave. The Canada Revenue Agency provides a number of resources to help you properly fill out the correct forms and follow the right procedure.
Consider Hiring a Moving Service: It can be very stressful moving from Canada to the United States. If you are unsure of the procedures, are concerned about moving your household goods across country, or need help with customs, a moving service makes a lot of sense. You won’t have to pack or unload, and you most likely won’t even need to be with your goods during the border crossing as long as the documentation is in order. You will need to be in the country before the movers if you aren’t a US resident though. By enlisting moving services, you can concentrate on other more important aspects of the move.
Moving below to the United States doesn’t have to be difficult. By following these tips, you should hopefully have the road map to an easy move.

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