Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Thesis Writing, Healing, "mommying", Playing Wifey and Everything In Between

     I am having a rough time, yeah I am. This is one of those days when
there is nothing really seriously wrong with my life but I am stuck here working on my thesis for my masters degree in Public Health. I always knew it would be something "not that easy," I never thought though that it could truly drive me nuts! Yeah nuts like cursing after many years of saying only angelic words...I found myself minutes ago laughing at my silliness and sheer ignorance at creating tables, aligning letters etc...I am better with html than Microsoft thingy or so I think. Yet I want to pursue this, I want to be able to tell myself I did my best and conquered the toxicity of writing a research material. The process of coming up with a problem was tedious enough to have me break my "dieting," whew! A great thing good friends from all over the world keep me company and keep me sane enough to come up with sensible ideas. To everyone who've been patiently listening to my thesis blah blah blah the past days, please be ready to hear more of it from me in the coming days! Thank you so much from the bottom of this knowledge hungry brain and heart.

Lord, grant me patience and the capacity to seek the truth and rejoice in your goodness. 

     Learning is a continuous process and yes, no one is ever too old to know better....

     Now back to my research problem and everything else in between....:)

2 yorum:

  1. hahaha! yakang yaka mo yan! it will be over before you know it. labyew!

  2. Hang in there, Zen, and this too shall pass and you will have Master Degree in hand.

    God bless with that paper!


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